ðŸ’ĄFinding Inspiration

This is the first term project milestone, and the only one that should be conducted entirely individually. This is time for you to reflect on your interests and goals, learn about how programming relates to them, and make connections with others in the class who share your interests. You may choose which language you learn in the project. It is fine to continue using p5.js, or you could choose to use python or Java (both of which have modes in Processing), or another language/platform of your choice.

Find three programming examples related to your interests.

Choose at most three of the interest areas that we identified from the class survey. These should be the three areas where you'd be most interested in pursuing a project. Your goal is to find and share one existing application of programming in each field that you think looks interesting.

How can I find specific examples of programming projects? Here are some places to look! And if you're finding other great ways to find resources, let other people know!

  • Check out a programming subreddit, such as r/javascript, r/creativecoding, r/p5js, or r/python. There's a lot posted there, it may help to search it by keyword and also filter by relevant flairs if you're feeling overwhelmed.

  • Search on http://www.github.com with keywords related to your interests (try to be specific), and in the "Languages" filter on the left sidebar select "Javascript".

  • Check out the generative art community, if you want to flex your creative muscles a bit! genuary is a month-long celebration of generative art, happening now. There's also nanogenmo (for writing) and procjam (for games/interactive media).

  • Javascript is heavily used in data visualization; Observable is a platform for sharing custom visualizations that has a community gallery.

Share the examples you found in the Discord channel for the interest area.

Look at what other people are sharing, and react/comment on ones that seem particularly compelling. The target group size for this project is 4 students. Look for some common ground, reach out to people who share your interests, and participate in conversations in your interest channels to find people to work with.

OPTIONAL SUBMISSION: If you are having difficulty with Discord, you may choose to share the examples you found in the text entry submission for this assignment. Otherwise, you do not need to submit here.

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